Ebook ini menbongkarkan Tanda-Tanda Rahsia individu-individu yang berkhidmat untuk Sang Dajal bermula dari peradaban Mesir Kuno hinggalah zaman sekarang. Saya amat alu-alukan saudara-saudari untuk menyebarkan ebook ini di blog, email atau apa-apa cara sekalipun. Semoga Allah memberkati usaha kita ini. Wassalam.

2. Some files have ".vnw" extension in the end. For such files, create a back-up in some other folder. Now rename one set of files to ".rar" and use "WinRAR."
3. Some files have "._a" extension for which you either require "FFJS" to extract or else rename the extensions to ".001, .002, .003...." respectively and use HJSplit.
4. Some files have "rar" extension for which you require "WinRAR" to extract the movie.
5. Some files have ".001" extension for which you require "HJSplit" to extract the movie.
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