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Banlieue 13 Ultimatum 2009 Mediafire FRENCH DVDRip XviD-DEViSE


The movie starts where B13 ended.

Damien the cop, drives his buddy Leito to the gates of B13. Damien promises him, that the government will do its best to give B13 a new start. Fade to black. Two years later, the government has changed, but not the rest.

B13 has gotten worse with gangs dividing the area into mini ghettos. Black, Chinese, Arabs, Italians, Easterners, each handling its specialty such as weapons, computers, drugs. Among that mess, Leito’s dream to put down the walls seems far, far away. [Map]

In Paris, DAMIEN works as an outstanding cop, fighting drug dealers. The President of France even wants to give him a medal. But the president is surrounded by an advisor who is not as good as him. This man gets bribed by a company called Haliburton, to convince the President to destroy B13 in order to get the budget to rebuild the place.

In order to do so, they must create chaos among the gangs so that the only answer to riots will be to blow up B13. Of course that is without Damien and Leito on the way.

B13 is a great action movie. A lot of very cool stunts and what one liked on the 1st movie, is back on that second one. Both Damien/Leito are doing an excellent job jumping around Paris and fighting cops. There is humor but no blood. The film is really meant for all audiences.

The acting is pretty basic but if they can’t play, for sure they can run. There is a real message of peace and love in the movie. Almost naïve like most American movies where we should all love each other and walk hand in hand to succeed, but on B13U, it works out and it’s fun. Not common in French movies, and that’s why we have to acknowledge this positive attempt.

The gang leaders are all famous rap singers (in real life). Stunts are performed by both actors and the opening sequence where Damien is dressed like a sexy Chinese hooker fighting drug dealers while holding a 200 million Euros‘s painting of Van Gogh is a fun moment.

Definitely a fun movie and a great 2nd Part to see as soon as it’s released in the US. Plus getting to see action movies in Paris is always a change from the streets of LA or NYC.


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